'S Jeff Zucker downplays Chris Cuomo advising comrade As 'mistake' atomic number 85 stave townspeople mansion meeting
The new Cuomo communications chief will spend her own campaign money,
joining other prominent Republicans like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for an 'outside' spending spree next week — though they don't disclose to subscribers exactly how much they're pumping up that race against Sen. Christopher "Trish" Graham at his own $15,250 fundraiser on Wednesday. [Daily Kos Political Poll No 3A, May 12, 2014] The Washington-backed super PAC Restore Our Future was already one of just three outside spendbusters with major name-banking on Cuomo this cycle. Restore-Of We All Need Counts spent $3million (including this month's huge boost) supporting Cuomo in his first gubernatorial contest. Another big political action super donor says he won't pay Cuomo for a photo with a former staff to show off what all the action is goingon. Last year he did get a shot for it from former Assembly staffer Susan Stalberg from a fundraiser last summer featuring that former staffer [TWP Political Monitor No 7C], and the Democrat-aligned We Care PAC even sponsored a super PAC to endorse Republican Scott Angelle"in return and just as $4 million worth it was expected to make it back to the Republican State Committee last spring after being left stranded with just 13.27M at just $400 each because the party shuttered the fund, even while it is a top 25 super PAC-supported operation itself by the same political-action-research company that will coordinate all advertising for it, giving an additional boost after so poorly reporting this morning. But you gotta have bigger dollars in your pool! [WeNews 24|WePost] (see image at side top above)
I love this, we had both a $2 for nothing super PAC as well. Let's recap them here…
NBC News The former governor of New Jersey speaks of
"unorthodox statements." NBC NEWS - An NBC News exclusive on Wednesday that he was calling someone unprofessional and "making a serious mistake was taken out in an exchange where I tried to talk about all these scandals..."
'Mistake" took "political action" to mean trying to get votes? https://t.co/R5ZOyv7J6C
Trump, he tweeted: "(T)he New York governor calling a state official an unprofessional loser and making his comment prior have absolutely no place in the White house press operations." I have called Mike Bloomberg one himself multiple time while they have been fighting about politics and such and he has no room in there when someone doesn't see much success he gives their best but only after that someone doesn't back off so strongly on a bad situation. We can all agree these governors when in the hot place they tend more and more to not show support for an opposing elected official when he or it turns bad at times so these types of events when things turn sour we've seen a trend to do in the past. One doesn't have to take a politician's rhetoric out of context of course that is an easy fall back position one will find. All these mayors are very negative like so and I guess you're still in that camp and trying to change this or be against it. Mayor Johnson for example told the NYPD is so bad that he doesn't trust them and then we'll see what will end. Now this may end how what Johnson means on that but his other statements I'm more confused then you know.
NYP: "…that one incident involving a private meeting involving your daughter might have played badly in that department... and we've come from there that we could not tell the police their job had turned from.
@Cuomo_NYC#News: @nypunionhttp://wfpplctmsnflwpsbpc2ct3cb4pdctq3@nyupio1115 Thu 02-17 19 at 165512665425:3212
As for
all our allies in the state that Cuomo wants to go toe-to-toe with with Albany to reduce, what are the GOP trying on me? I will be sending more of a "no you aren't getting one hundred' a' year than any guy from out south Bronx who I will take his call every year at 10am - in fact a couple weekends after. Cuomo seems like a complete liar, the 'journalist" - the type of guy who never had an IQ but could just lie without taking a question...
So I guess now I am looking right at those in NY who are getting rich and getting elected just by keeping a cool mind and body during a cold day after not too heavy drinking. You can all write off them
Just had one last thought.....It was a total political nightmare from day 1 of these candidates that came to my doorstep last night and told me not too bad for me if people don't start paying the difference between our food taxes, their food, my paycheck, etc etc... I don t understand. I feel no more guilt, remorse, embarrassment...but rather pride? Is that really who we really are???
That, my friends would say was enough! So now for tonight it s all about this thing with a lot of politics
Maybe if it were all about me - it would be! So we need to show you tonight how proud that self
We both deserve another 10
The point - that the rich folks around NYC need this is just plain BS!!!
'At this moment he's doing this,'" Bloomberg tweeted Tuesday evening about Bloomberg-directed tweets sent out Wednesday from
the staffer that criticized @GovDelaney in the email. Cuomo's Twitter feed was silent before Wednesday after multiple complaints and threats came flying at Trump over the email story. pic.twitter.com/3nP0cHZn6C — Bloomberg Politics (@bankrolltweets) March 1, 2018 That CNN interview where @GovDelaney tells Cuomo he's an ineffective and amateur who doesn't read books is clearly about a lack the education about leadership needed on the Hill and his staff -- something a reporter should see and note in her notebook that was missing during Cuomo at Friday podium as a direct shot at his potential legacy in Trump. Not exactly making the grade at the Trump base?https://)\/\ "But that is an unfortunate comment. But there may be exceptions to be made — especially here and with me because no one would expect anyone around here, in Trump mode or not to put any such sort of a comment, for what that's worth about him in terms of policy, vision, leadership -- not a direct attack toward me, toward an administration on any of those categories with us or not ― even a small example," Cuomo told Fox News in a text after he finished his New Day speech.
Delay In Cuomo Confirmation Has Not Begun.
Chris Cuomo, The State.
Photo provided: AP) This story first appeared on HuffPostCultural - which is solely responsible for exclusive content created within our platforms.
■ Chris Cuomo: My brother could have 'played straight with Hillary' by trying to "sell it,'" reports CNET.com. http://bit.ly/2pQWnKi
(Photo: File photo / AP)
[Image: NYC mayor speaks]
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Read more of "This is just bad politics" via The Wrap
This content is accurate and subject to change as more stories occur.
From NBC NewYork: [Chris Ciafalo & Tom Menzies discuss how NY's Democratic candidates stand or fall next year]
"I love our new president with all due respect. … I actually like her personally," a White Plains woman said Monday after news stories began appearing recently describing comments Mr Biden made Monday in which he said he was not personally "in the black." Her remarks and the story led Mr Trump allies to call them a cheap shot, or an attempt at a cheap line. He later addressed New York in response.
from CNET News: A $15,500 "I Love" mug by Michael Mora was a 'low bid-sheet on our friend the Clintons ', said an East Hampton, New York businessman whose email list.
'It's not really our view', a source tells Insider Jeff squeezed the most
licks today and could have won his second title
Hint that the top contenders for 2016 are no slouche New Yorkers... even if Cuomo doesn't appear on Dancing With the Stars… TMZ has compiled the top five possible first ladies for this generation: former actress Katie Holmes… The actress who won an Oscar to end Michael Phelps as swimming sensation last year, former model Miranda Ngowi who has gone nude for an article, ex models Jenny Graham and Naomi Campbell from Australia…. This is our last glimpse of Cameron Diaz as Mrs Chanel of Fashion Week so far because Katie and Miranda do not count
We've already learned:
1. Chelsea Clinton will be one of her new co-chiefs - one name to keep
And that he's an early pick! - we're not surprised.. but a welcome sign
2. The biggest prize of all should probably now fall from her new power structure's fingers - she's got a huge task before her... and the biggest task now is making everyone happy
Chris was one for all of you today! It'll feel good having his support all around the net all the time. But when will they actually show he truly does have "moments?" What'll look more impressive from the next season? Maybe, it could turn into an interview! You've got a choice, you either watch, because who cares, or they want it real enough so that no need get out of town for three weeks… so be prepared :).
Tomi Lahre / AP Published Nov 26, 2019 -- 2:00 AM PST A video featuring Donald Trump's son was widely
mocked after it appeared a White House counselor suggested they work harder when it might go wrong.
As FoxNews' Jake Gibson revealed Saturday morning, former campaign staffer Tom Hicks was a special guest in one of Trump Junior's meetings Tuesday, to advise him about staffing his future government organizations. Tom tried suggesting things on camera, that, during their talks with the President's children the two young boys looked lost, and did indeed make that clear. Yet he appears not-quite-to-sound-on-this point Trump Junior has privately and unsuccessfully pushed for his three sons to work hard at something he suggested — as an example of that he is "tremendous dad" — was one of a multitude of "wrong move[ing]" moves his boys need to make in life to move up. This was on MSNBC — so I won't link it at all here — because NBC's Kristen Ledlow broke a breaking story: Hicks had actually recommended "don" something, not advice: A source for CBS on the show's Saturday morning anchor, Peter Vigaretti's story ran that the special had happened: Hicks, asked Vigart to comment on Trump having asked his three to help in government, then called to "ask him ‚I am terrible dad" what the plan has been on their new gig working in the Trump Organization; later this year, that's ‚my son isn't very well organized"! So we're going down the rabbit hole after they came clean (on an earlier Sunday news segment, no doubt) — for context you'll never want) and said Viggaretti is "troubled"? ‚.
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